
Clear skype sign in name
Clear skype sign in name

An indicator on this icon shows you how much new activity is in the list since you last checked.Ī list of all recent call and IM activity will now be displayed, along with information about the call, or an excerpt of the text message. Access recent chatsĬlick on the ‘ Recent’ icon on the main screen of Skype for Android to access your chat log. You can unhide conversations again by going to ‘ Show hidden conversations’ in the ‘ View’ menu.ĭelete chat history in Skype for Android 1. If you only want to wipe a particular exchange in your history you can do this by right-clicking on the contact’s name in the ‘ Recent’ sidebar then choosing ‘ Hide conversation’. You can select ‘ None’ and the application will never save recent conversations. Here, you can also choose how long you want Skype to keep your chat history for. In the ‘ Keep history for’ section you can remove the log by clicking the ‘ Clear history’ button. To delete your conversation history in Skype, go to ‘ Options’ and highlight the ‘ Privacy’ tab. You most recent chats are displayed in the left-hand side bar and information about the conversation can be retrieved just by clicking on the contact’s name. Skype for Windows keeps a record of your most recent text and voice chats, which you can view by choosing ‘ Recent’ from the ‘ View’ menu. So, here’s a guide to how to erase call and message logs in Skype for all the major systems:ĭelete chat history in Skype for Windows 1. It’s not always obvious how to clear your chat history in Skype though, and often the feature is well hidden. This can be useful if you want to pick up on a previous conversation with someone but you might be worried about your Skype activity being seen by someone else. Skype keeps a record of your recent calls and instant messages.

clear skype sign in name clear skype sign in name

If you want to make sure that your Skype history stays personal, you can erase recent calls and IM lists from the application.

Clear skype sign in name